Tuesday, October 06, 2009

* honk honk *

Sometimes when em drving ont he road, I wish I was given the authority to stop people and give them a ticket for the way they drive. Who's to say, when people see me drive they must want to do the same thing. But this excerise is not to find fault with me, it's to point fingres @ the other who-the-hell-let-you-on-the-road drivers.

1. When you are drving a car, your doing exactly that driving a car. The first rule of drving on the road is to %$%^&^% keep your eyes on the road. Why? Hel - lo, because your driving on the road? If you want to have a round table confrence with your partner in the passanger seat, here's an idea: why don't you park your car in a parking lot? find a round table. sit. have a conversation. DO NOT DO IT ON THE ROAD.

2. the second rule when you drive is to sneak quick peaks @ the review mirrors and your side mirrors. If you see someone pretty close behind you, DO NOT BLOODY CHANGE LANES. If you do I will break really hard. And yes not HIT you from behind. BUT IF I HAVE A MORON BEHIND ME, LIKE YOU HE WILL NOT BRAKE ON TIME AND HE WILL HIT ME!!!

3. If you are drving slow on the left lane, as the rule on the road sign says, slow cars move to the right lane - it's for you to follow it - it's not there for show-case.

4. how the hell can you not KNOW your indicator is on when it's no longer required?

5. I am all for not putting on ur indicator if you're on the left lane. Becase atleast I am smart enough to know being on the left lane you WILL trun left. But if em right behind you, have the decency to give me 50 yrd notice your turing Right or Left by using your indicator. Don't just suddenly brake and trun! (refer to point 2)

6. why don't we have the right to honk!!!

7. why can't we have a message board that would pop up with the push of a button that would read to the other driver " You Moron, who gave you a drving license?".


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