Saturday, January 22, 2011

Girls night out

There is a show on the radio called the Delilah show that comes on every evening 6 days a week (or maybe 7). On the soft rock channel, round the country. She calls herself the Queen of Sappy songs. Anywho, every Friday is dedicated to "girls-night-out". All these women hangin out together and calling in to talk about their "friendship".

As I listened I begin to wonder... I remembered the song by Baz Luhrmann - Everybody's Free ..."because the older you get, the more you need the people you
knew when you were young
" . I sometimes wish I had one close girl friend who just got me. I used to .. no strach that she still is my friend but we've grown apart. No this is not a blame game... it's never really one person's fault. Just like an action is always provoked because of a re-action. As I experience each day as a day older, I wish I could share it with a girlfirled. Someone who'd get what em syaing. In my younger dsys I just wanted guy friends... never wanted a girl friend because they are so stuck up!

Just like thay say you have to be lucky to find "love", similarly I believe you have to be lucky to find the person you can bond with. Who else will understand you when you try to xplain to someone who doesn't get you jsut how hard it is to fit into anything in your closet. Why it's so good to just go crazy sometimes & have tantrums. SOmeone who get's why we want to have the house spick & span and to decorate it... At workplace you have to strive extra hard to prove yourself, especially working with your native people & she would say "ur telling me".

Someone I can share things I have bottled up inside me and would LOVE to jsut get it out. She would just hug me and let me ...let it all out.. cuz she "understands"... the depth, the concequnces, the reason for me being me. Today. Because of it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

50 First Dates

There are a bunch of hot chicks returned from Hawaii who can't stop talking about this amazing guy - Adam Sandler. No.. this is not a synopsis of the movie. Yes I did watch it today and had a dejea vu. The first time I watched the move was in college. I was also cooking green beans for dinner which I had cooked since the college days. The this movie starts to play and I started to think, I used to pride myself with having a good memory. But if you really think I don't reallly remember a whole lot. So the movie really inspired me to start writing from the beginning of year so I can go back and say oh yeah... it was this year?

Yes I won't probably write every day I want to try to as much as I can...

So the year strated with the biggest hangover of the year ;). Yes yes, ths is assuming I'm not gonna be drinking as much this year. So far work has been good.. kept me really busy and I like what em doing..unlike last year.. working with one of the most annoying, even-my-enemy-shouldn't work-with, person ! *touch wood* I was able to help identify some design questions that made the client take a double look @ their requirements. Will it reach my manager for a goood year end review? Hell NO!!

Today I suggested a requirement to the cilent and they were SO excitied about it. I was SO not expecting it I just did respong appoperiately :-o.

SOI have put on 3 more pounds. Still can't fit into any of my clothes. I have a closet full of them. It's very depressing :( I'm afraid I will never go back to being a healthy weight. I am today 45 pounds over weight. I've got a LOT of grey hair, makes me look like em 40. Extremely strssed.Not enough sleep since God knows when. My acidity drives me to fall off a cliff and just pass on !

Green Hornet is releasing tomorrow. It snowed like crazy this past Monday and ice rain in the evening so I was sitting & working from home for 2.5 days. It is freezing outside.

Natural disater in Australia & Brazil. Record high snow in the U.S.